Perspectives of Intelectual Property Law

1st edition

October 25-26th 2023

Aula Magna, Bucharest University of Economic Studies


Intelectual property Righs & Trademarks

The  programme  of the first edition of the International Conference “Perspectives of Intelectual Property Law” organised by the Faculty of Law from the Bucharest University of Ecocomic Studies, together with the The Romanian Center for Performers’ Rights Management Association, The State Office for Inventions and Trademarks and the Romanian Society of Business Law is divided in two days and two big areas, the first dedicated to intelectual property rights and the second to trademarks, patents and internet domains.

Authors' intelectual property rights

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ligula magna, convallis non purus eget, scelerisque gravida neque. Fusce sit amet sapien lorem. Mauris pharetra lorem non pretium aliquet. Etiam mollis congue neque, in tincidunt magna vulputate ac.

Morbi lectus dui, sodales at urna at, auctor suscipit lectus. Vivamus a posuere tellus. In dapibus ac augue at aliquam. Aliquam venenatis est eget convallis commodo. Curabitur laoreet lobortis dolor, ut consectetur nunc scelerisque fringilla. Sed blandit id sem a maximus.
Internet Domains
Vestibulum ac turpis in quam condimentum ornare vestibulum ac eros. Morbi varius justo sed bibendum faucibus. Pellentesque nunc metus, tincidunt in accumsan sed, placerat eget justo. Nullam in dui nec mi imperdiet bibendum eu at lorem. Duis lobortis lectus vel purus egestas feugiat. Fusce et imperdiet nunc.

Conference’s Hosts

faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic studies
Romanian Center for Performers’ Rights Management Association
State Office for Inventions and Trademarks

Get Started

If you want to participate “in person” or by steaming, please send us a message by accesing the dedicated registration webpage and one of our colleagues will take  of your application and reply with the necessary information.

For participation, please start the registration proces